Friday, July 18, 2008

Ah the Joys of Finishing an MBA Program

First: Thank you to all of you like minded sales reps for making comments that I have published many of them. I appreciate very much your feed back and I am humbled that so many people are interested in my little part of the world.

Truly: Thank you; Keep contributing.

So, after my very long hiatus of contributing a single thing to this Blog I’m back! The world is my oyster! It seems that no immediate “MBA promotion” is in my immediate future so I have got to figure out what to do this thing…

First a few thoughts n the MBA program:

  • It was without a doubt the most work I have ever put into any project
  • It was the most rewarding education I have ever received
  • The academic quality and the quality of students was very impressive
  • It is no wonder why The University of Dayton wins the case competitions in the state of Ohio every year

Per the Motto of UD: “Learn, Lead, Serve” I guess I am entering the lead part of my life. For two years I have had nights weekends filled with team meetings, finance problems, Operations analysis and Marketing projects. Now I will have weekends filled with….well, I guess we shall see.

I have been trying to pick up some kind of hobby after I finish reading the three weeks of Newsweek, Business week and the Economist that I have been neglecting. My thoughts first went strangely enough to starting an herb garden, but that will most likely take about 2 hours to plant and I am sure I would be an absent minded gardner letting everything get too dry. Not the best way to eat up spare time.

I also thought joining some kind of cooking classes and getting really good at a few impressive gourmet dishes. That is much more likely, however it seems that should be something I should learn on my own….I mean come on…I have my MBA. :-P

Expect more posts soon. Life is getting exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the accomplishment. I know how rewarding it feels. Those first few weekends without projects are bizarre - "what to do???" There is a sense of panic that takes a few weeks to subside, as you get used to having a life again. Personally, I am thrilled to see that one outlet you have chosen for this new found freedom is blogging. I look forward to reading more great posts from you.