Wednesday, June 20, 2007 - Question Everything

Will this be the newest craze in social networking? Or just a flash in the pan? It is really up to us! (wisdom) is the latest site to use a domain name hack to create a very clever site. I was reading in the Wall Street Journal about a week ago and came across an article about and their attempt to draw from the wisdom of the masses. (insert another victory cry for the "Wiki" movement)

The site functions very slowly right now, so be patient if you decide to pay them a visit. It operates kind of like where it is user content driven. Rather than submitting articles, you submit a "yes or no" question. After you have racked your brain to be the single most clever question creator you know your question is submitted other users can comment, vote "yes" or "no", and discuss your topic. Everything from Terrorism to "does your car have leather seats?" is currently being submitted.

After people decide if they will comment or vote your question is ranked on popularity and the most popular questions bubble up to the top for the greatest number of users to vote/discuss/decide on your question.

So I ask you: Will this site be the latest craze? Please select "yes" or "no"

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