Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bachelor Party Basics

As I am now finding myself still single while my two best friends are getting married this summer I have been quite busy filling up my weekends with bachelor parties. Neither of my friends chose the typical clubs of ill repute, and in fact they both chose very different ways to celebrate their last nights as a free man.

Party#1 a.k.a. The All American bachelor party

The first bachelor party that I will attend will be an all day event. At noon we take a "party bus" down to Cincinnati. I am kind of frightened as to what exactly this entails as I have been on a few that were not exactly sea worthy. When we arrive at the Reds Stadium we will be pampered in the Diamond Seats (@ $202 a pop - I was not happy to find this out) and drink and eat ourselves silly as the diamond seats are all inclusive. We will do our best to get the $202 value from all beverages, I assure you. After we have had our fill of America's favorite pastime we will then party bus-it back up to Dayton where we will crash at the groom-to-be's house.

Total Cost: $350 with tickets, party bus, and beer on party bus.

Party#2 a.k.a. The UD style bachelor party

The following weekend I will be hosting a hog roast at the other Groom's house. Due to my best man responsibilities I will have a much greater authority in what happens. We will roast a complete hog in the driveway, and yes, apple in mouth, of his newly purchased abode. The bourbon spread will be diverse and luxurious as he is from Kentucky. Also, cornhole and other UD drinking games will be rampant (see flip cup). As many of our professors will be attending as well as: My dad; His dad; and the bride's dad. This may sound fairly tame, but I assure you the bride's dad will be the craziest of all of us, and after our parents and professors attended our UD graduation party I am sure they know what to expect.

After the hog roast we will then go to the Olde Tavern, which is where the Montgonery Inn used to be in Madeira. We will then finish off the night with a night cap and a bonfire in the back yard.

Total Cost: $350 - Bourbon ($150); Hog($80); Taxis($60); Bar Tab split ($60)

Two different styles, two different men. One goal: Party like it's your last night of freedom. Good luck Gents! I will leave you with a word of advice:

A bachelor is a guy who never made the same mistake once.
-Phyllis Diller

1 comment:

David Bowman said...


Pass this little mantra along.

"Happy Wife, Happy Life"