Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dayton City School Levy

For those of you living in Dayton you must realize that Dayton Public Schools, whose reputation is and has been suffering for years, just failed another levy.

As it has been proven time and time again property values are highly correlated with the quality of the public school districts therein. You can see this in communities like Oakwood which has never failed a school levy. Oakwood borders the City of Dayton school districts and if I would really want to prove my point I would put on this blog a 2000 Sq. Ft. home in Oakwood and a similar home in close proximity in Dayton. I will spare you the analysis, you can do that on your own.

So the real question is why did Dayton fail their much needed levy? I ran across a blog that gave some interesting insight. The author suggests that they do marketing research to see what the market will bear (i.e. what 50.01% of citizens will actually agree to). Also the author states that they need to treat their school system like a brand and compares the Dayton Public School system to Nike.

No matter if I agree with every point or not, I was impressed with the new perspective.

I give you